Really Oscars? The King's Speech? Now don't get me wrong, I loved this movie! I mean, how can I not when it's about my field? Well... sorta about my field seeing as we discover a twist in Geoffrey Rush's character. But still, I may love me some Colin Firth and some Geoffrey Rush AND most especially, speech pathology, but I certainly did not think this was the best movie I'd seen in the past year. Even when looking at it from a purely entertainment-value/popularity-contest point of view, I still don't think The King's Speech warranted such a coveted title. Then again, maybe my opinion would change if this were about someone with aphasia or a neurogenic motor-speech disorder rather than stuttering, heh. Damn Oscars and their love of biopics!
Instead of looking to movies exploring the past, why not look to those exploring the future? Ones that take full advantage of what technology has to offer and create greater possibilities of the human mind? Why not look to movies like, oh... I don't know... Inception? Haha, ok, I admit, I'm being bias. But despite my love for Joseph Gordon-Levitt (and Tom Hardy and Ken Watanabe and Michael Caine and Cillian Murphy and Marion Cotillard...), this was a great movie that was sorely overlooked :(
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